Blog Post


10 de octubre de 2015

We assess the success of the 1st course on “Railway Dynamics”, organized by CEFF and taught by CITEF, and the results could not be more positive.

The course comprised 40 classroom hours divided into two modules during the months of September and October, focusing primarily on technically trained staff employed by companies working in the rail industry.

The main aim of the course was for students (all engineers and doctors from three of the most important railway maintenance companies in Spain) to meet in person and become familiar with the various issues related to the dynamic interaction of the vehicle with the track. They acquired the capacity to select the system properties that lead to correct vehicle operation, minimizing damage to rolling stock parts and infrastructures.

On completion of the course, the 11 participants expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the content and the excellent technical level. The most highly valued aspects were the teachers, the organization and the contents-subjects, with an overall score of 9.1 out of 10.

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