Blog Post


26 de junio de 2017

The 15th International Conference on Railway Engineering Design and Operation (COMPRAIL) was held in Madrid between 19 and 21 July 2016. The first COMPRAIL conference took place in Frankfurt in 1987, and it has since been hosted by a number of major cities around the world, including Rome, Washington, Berlin, Lisbon, Prague and Beijing, as well as the New Forest, home of the Wessex Institute, organizer of the event.

The main objective of COMPRAIL is to promote the use of advanced train control systems, raising awareness of such systems throughout the management, manufacture and operation of railways. For the three days of the conference, Madrid therefore attracted sector specialists, including managers, developers, railway engineers, computer experts and systems developers.

The Railway Technology Research Centre (CITEF) co-organized the event with the Wessex Institute. Led by its director José Manuel Mera, who was also one of the conference chairmen, CITEF presented two papers related to the use of computer systems in advanced railway engineering:

  • Lifecycle vs. Element costs: A new approach to optimize the power supply system design in Railway Infrastructures (M. Soler, J. López, J.M. Mera, J. Maroto).
  • Feasibility evaluation and critical factor analysis for subway scheduling (T. Zhu, J. M. Mera, E. Castellote, J. López).

Both papers, along with all the others presented at COMPRAIL 2016, have been published by WIT Press in volume 162 of “WIT Transactions on the Built Environment” (ISSN: 1746-4498 Digital ISSN: 1743-3509).

Useful links:


Weesex Institute

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